PPC Reporting Software

Automated, frictionless PPC reports from multiple channels. Designed to showcase the data you need to boost ROI.

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Metrics Watch is trusted by these fine folks

Logo of SpotifyLogo of FreshBooksLogo of Greyhound LinesLogo of Lindt

Cross-Channel PPC Reporting

Right now, most marketers are wasting hours of time and energy manually compiling PPC reports with spreadsheets. But once they finally understand how their ads are performing, they’re too tired to make the changes need to improve their ROAS! Metrics Watch allows you to get the upper hand by building automated PPC reports in minutes. From there, all the data you need is sent directly to your inbox, so you can spend more time on what matters: scaling your business.

Frictionless Sharing

Ever wonder why so many marketing tools share reports via PDF attachments or 3rd-party links to user dashboards? I’ll tell you: because creating a tool to send them directly to your client's inbox takes a lot more work. Luckily, Metrics Watch has already done all that work for you. Once you build your automated marketing reports, send them directly to your user’s inbox without making your team or clients sift through PDF attachments or (worse) ping you endlessly about login details they inevitably forgot. At Metrics Watch, we believe in getting the people the data they need in a format they already know.

“Metrics Watch was the only tool that met our requirements regarding both functionality and usability. After meticulous comparison and testing of over 30 tools, we partnered with Metrics Watch to provide our clients with high-precision tailor-made reports on their products. The level of support and communication has made us true worshipers. Thanks!”

Results-Driven for Faster Growth

What’s the only thing worse than not having detailed marketing reports? Having reports loaded with vanity metrics. Stop wasting people’s time with irrelevant data. Instead, build segmented reports with only the KPIs that matter and send them to the people who can take action fast. Our color-coded reports will let you know what’s working, what’s not, and where you should focus your time, energy, and resources for faster growth.

Drag and Drop Report Builder

You need a complicated marketing tool like you need a hole in your sales funnel. Why not just ditch the headaches and let things be EASY? Use our drag and drop builder to create comprehensive marketing reports to boost your ROI. Then you switch things on auto-pilot and forget about it until the reports come to your inbox automagically – no coding experience or “tech skills” required!

Want to see a sample report?

Or just dive headfirst into the real thing with a FREE 14-day trial (no credit card required)

Example Metrics for Google Analytics

You can track the Google Analytics metrics your clients really value. Here are just a few examples of what you can track with Metrics Watch:

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Your ads are showing. Great! But how often are people clicking on them? It's a good indicator of the relevance of the ad; is it the right ad for the right audience? Are your offers and copy appropriately aligned with the intent? The CTR will help you figure that out.

Green arrow pointing up3.25%


Change: 14%
Previous period: 2.85%


Track how many of your site's visitors took the actions you wanted them to. This could include clicking through to a landing page, signing up for a newsletter, or any other conversion goal you have.

Green arrow pointing up784


Change: 14%
Previous period: 684

Ecommerce Revenue

Find out how much profit is being generated by your eCommerce products. This is one of the most useful metrics to keep at your fingertips because it keeps your eyes on the prize: generating profit for your business.

Green arrow pointing up$15 012

Ecommerce Revenue

Change: 114%
Previous period: $7 012

Cost (aka, Ad Spend)

Keep track of how much you're spending to run your campaigns. When used with other metrics, you can make better use of your marketing budget.

Green arrow pointing up$617


Change: 31%
Previous period: $468

Start sending automated reports today

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